
a regular heptagon has a radius of approximately 27.87cm and the lengthof each side is 24.18cm. what is the approximate area of the heptagon rounded to the nearest whole number? recall that a polygon with 7 sides. A. 1,173 squared cm. B. 2,125 squared cm. C. 2,359 squared cm. D. 4,250 squared cm.

Accepted Solution

The Answer is B: 2,125 cm²

n = 7
a = 24.18 cm
r = 25.1051 cm
R = 27.8646 cm
A = 2124.65 cm²
P = 169.26 cm
x = 128.571 °
y = 51.4286 °

r = inradius (apothem)
R = circumradius 
a = side length
n = number of sides
x = interior angle
y = exterior angle 
A = area
P = perimeter
π = pi = 3.14159...
√ = square root

Formula: A = (1/4)na2 cot(π/n) = nr2 tan(π/n)